Sleep Difficulties
Sleep disorders involve problems with the quality, timing, and amount of sleep, which result in daytime distress and impairment in functioning. After ruling out medical causes for sleep difficulties, there are several treatments to address sleep issues in children and adults.
Sleep Difficulties
Sleep disorders affect the quality, timing, and amount of sleep we get, resulting in daytime distress and impairment in functioning. We all can experience a poor night’s sleep sometimes, but if it is persistent and severe, it can result in sleep deprivation and low quality of life if it goes untreated. After ruling out medical causes for sleep difficulties, there are several treatments to address sleep difficulties in children and adults.
Sleep difficulties might include struggling to fall asleep, frequent night awakenings, difficulty returning to sleep, and awakening earlier than intended. Sleep difficulties might also include nightmares and night terrors. All of this gets in the way of the restful, restorative sleep we all need to have a healthy and positive experience in our waking life.
After ruling out medical causes for sleep difficulties, there are several treatments to address sleep difficulties in children and adults. First we would assess what is interfering with sleep, then we would build a tailored treatment plan drawing from evidenced based interventions including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Insomnia, Sleep Hygiene Skills, Mindfulness, and parent skills training. Reach out now to learn more about what treatment could look like for you or your child.